You know, folks nowadays like to check them horoscopes to see how their day or week gonna go. Eugenia Last, she’s been doin’ them horoscopes for a while now, and people just can’t get enough. Every day, she’s out there tellin’ folks what the stars say about their lives. It’s like listenin’ to a neighbor talk about what’s gonna happen based on where the stars are sittin’ in the sky. Some say it’s just for fun, but others take it real serious.
Now, if you look at horoscopes, you’ll see a lot about different zodiac signs, like Aries, Taurus, Gemini, and so on. Each sign got its own story to tell. Like, if you’re an Aries, they say you’re full of energy, always rushin’ around like a young goat. Or if you’re a Taurus, well, folks say you’re as stubborn as a mule, but in a good way, you know? They say you stick to your guns and don’t give up easy.
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