Well, now, let me tell you a little somethin’ about that “Astrologer Sydney” crossword clue. I was sittin’ around one day, fiddlin’ with one of them crosswords you see in the paper, and came across this one clue that got me scratchin’ my head. It said “Astrologer Sydney,” and I thought, “Well, who in the world would that be?” Turns out, the answer to that puzzle is “OMARR.”
You see, “Sydney Omarr” was a well-known astrologer, born in 1926, who made quite a name for himself. Now, this fella wasn’t just sittin’ on his porch readin’ horoscopes for fun—no sir, he was a consultant to the rich and famous, you know, people who had a lot of dough and needed to know what the stars had to say about their future. His daily columns in the newspaper were all the rage back in the day, and you could find ’em in over 200 different papers! Now that’s a lot of folks checkin’ their stars every day, if you ask me!
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