You ever had a moment when you look up at the sky, or maybe you just feel something strange happen around you, and you wonder if an angel’s near? Well, it’s a mighty curious thing, seeing signs like that. I’m gonna tell ya what it might mean, the times when you think an angel’s nearby or maybe even when you see one in your dreams. It’s all tied to something bigger, something beyond just our eyes can see.
Now, in them old holy books, like the Bible, they say angels are real, though folks don’t often see ‘em, unless the good Lord lets ‘em show themselves. I reckon most of the time, they hide away from us regular folks, doing the Lord’s work without us ever knowing. But sometimes, when the time’s right, they’ll take on a human-like form. They might even appear outta nowhere just to give you a message or guide you on your way. If you ever think you see one, well, maybe they’ve come to talk to you, or maybe they got somethin’ they need to share with ya. You gotta ask, and don’t be shy about it!
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